Junk Man Storytime.
Program 1 Redback/snake/litter
Session duration 1 hour. (roughly 20 min circle time/40min outdoor games)
Suitable for around 30 kindergarten , or reception children.
Cost $275
Circle /group time: 3 Stories.
Story 1: Redback bite. A quick story on the effects of a redback bite on an adult over a 4 day period.
Story 2: Molly and the snake. A story about a kindy kid who mastered the ‘snake freeze’ game, and then got to try out her skill with a real wild snake (includes group time ‘snake freeze’ game)
Story 3 Book story from the self-published ‘Mae’s Plastic wrap”. A story about a girl’s plastic wrap, and its travels once dropped on the ground.
The rest of the session moves outdoors to engage in a collection of nature connection activities, such as ‘find your tree, Sneak up on the roo, Bug hunt, rubbish hunt, and snake freeze, just to name a few.
Other storytime sessions will be added throughout the year.
Junk man marble run (Oshc and school program)
Session duration 90 minutes.
Suitable for around 40 OSHC students.
Cost $350.
A ute full off loose parts chosen to facilitate marble runs, chain reaction (Dominos) , jumps, rolling games. This can be an indoor activity.
Basic mobile junk and nature playground.
Session duration 90 minutes.
Suitable for up to 40 children ages 1-6
Cost $350
A ute full of loose parts for cubby making. 6 barrels of tyres, sticks, tarps, ropes as well as the rocks and mud that normally accompany a Mobile Junk and Nature Playground session.
Mobile junk and nature playground
Session duration. 2 and 4 hour
Suitable for up to 80 children ages 1-12.
Cost 2 hour $400, 4 hour $500.
A truck full of sustainable source nature and loose parts. Perfect for creating a cubby village.
School based sessions.
Marble run (See above)
Mobile Junk and nature playground school session
Cost. 2 hour $450 4 Hour $500, full school day $600.
Same set up as the mobile junk sessions, however there are more consumable resources such as rocks (crushing) and mud.